This is the most up-to-date version of this scale.

Construct Summary

The authors aim to measure trust specifically in the context of industrial human-robot collaboration (HRC). They identify two main factors - robot performance and robot’s physical attributes - that play a role in trust in industrial HRC contexts.

Rating = 85%

Check? Guideline Item
Is the construct defined?
Does the final version of the items capture the construct as it has been defined by the authors?
Is the item generation process discussed (e.g., literature review, Delphi method, crowd-sourcing)?
Person to items 10:1 for the initial set of items?
Did they perform an EFA, PCA, Rasch, or similar test to determine the item to factor relationship?
Did they describe how they determined number of factors?
Did they report the full initial set of items?
Did they provide loadings (EFA) or item fits (Rasch) of all items?
Is there a description of the item removal process (e.g., using infit/outfit, factor loading minimum value, or cross-loading values)?
Did they list the final number of items included in the scale?
Did they include a factor structure test (e.g., second EFA, CFA, DIF, test for unidimensionality when using Rasch, or similar)?
Was a measure of reliability (e.g., Cronbach’s alpha, McDonalds Omega_h or Omega_t, Tarkkonen’s Rho) reported?
Was a test of validity (e.g., predictive, concurrent, convergent, discriminant) reported?

Comments None

Reviewed by Experts ✓


Charalambous, G., Fletcher, S., & Webb, P. (2016). The development of a scale to evaluate trust in industrial human-robot collaboration. International Journal of Social Robotics, 8, 193-209.

PDF of instructions for use, scoring, and blank scale is not readily available. Check the paper for more details or click here to submit this information if you are the author of this scale.

Final Scale Items (10 total):

The way the robot moved made me uncomfortable
The speed at which the gripper picked up and released the components made me uneasy
I trusted that the robot was safe to cooperate with
I was comfortable the robot would not hurt me
The size of the robot did not intimidate me
I felt safe interacting with the robot
I knew the gripper would not drop the components
The robot gripper did not look reliable
The gripper seemed like it could be trusted
I felt I could rely on the robot to do what it was supposed to do